Friday, December 5, 2008

Is Happiness Contagious?

Have you ever been in a supermarket check out line and the cashier asks "How's it going?" I know we all have, but really think about it the next time and then respond with "I'm great thank you and how are you?" I'll bet you'll get a little smile out of them and you'll probably feel pretty good too knowing you brightened that cashiers day a little.

I think we've all heard the old adage that misery loves company but that goes for happiness too and recent evidence in the British Medical Journal supports it. The study has reported that people who are surrounded by happy people in their family and friends were more likely to remain happy. I'm not so sure we needed a study to provide that data but it sure does reinforce what a positive mental attitude can do for you and those around you.

So I challenge you either today or in the coming holidays to try and make someone you come in contact with happy!

To read the full article click here.

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