Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Quit!

Do you really know the difference between these two words? I mean, really know the difference? Because I didn't until roughly 3 months ago. Let me start by telling you that I have a business coach who helps me focus and achieve the goals that I set for myself and my business. Some people think that they don't need or wouldn't benefit from a coach but I for one know whole heartedly that she has helped me immensely. Besides, doesn't every great athlete have a coach? So why shouldn't every business owner or every person who sets goals have a coach? It just makes sense to have someone help you clarify and really figure out how to achieve your goals. Anyway, enough of that and on to the big message here.

Commitment Versus Trying
My coach and I touched on the subject of commitment versus trying a while back and in January the perfect opportunity was presented to test out my own ability to commit versus just try. I mentioned to her that I had toyed with the idea of abstaining from alcohol for a period of time. Now I most certainly don't have a problem with the substance, but I began to feel that even the occasional drink was not allowing me to perform to the best of my ability. It just wasn't getting me any closer to my goals. I told my coach that I had been thinking about not drinking for a while and she immediately challenged me to commit to that statement. So being the kind of person to not back down from a challenge, I did and haven't indulged in well over 2 months.

However, my story here is to illustrate that in order to really achieve your goals, whether they are weight loss related or abstaining from alcohol, you need to commit to them 100%. Instead of using a word like try, or saying I'll give it a shot, say I will and leave it at that. Changing the way you word something, if even in your own head, can make a world of difference. So, when you come into the studio over the next few days, tell me what your commitments are and we will work on them together.

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