Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Easy and Realistic Tips for Weight Loss

This week I'm featuring a guest blog post by my friend and colleague Steve Long. He is the owner of Complete Fitness Results in Brentwood, MO. Check out what he has to say on weight loss.

I’m going to be real blunt in this post about fat loss. Losing weight does not have to be a battle. There are so many different diets and weight loss plans out there that it can become confusing on what you are supposed to do. I would like to explain a few basic weight loss tips that can make your weight loss plan easy and less time consuming.

Don’t Eat Like Your Overweight

People ask me everyday what is the best advice I can give them for weight loss. I almost always say simply “don’t eat like a fat person”. You know exactly what I’m talking about. Don’t over eat. Don’t eat candy and sugar laden foods. Don’t eat deep fried things etc. You know what you can and can not eat. The key is to not eat these things often, you can still have fried chicken, just not everyday. You have to make 90% of your meals in a week healthy.

Realize Food Is Not God or Crack

So many of the population treat food as though it is god or a drug. It’s just food. It’s fuel for your body, or tool to make you look the way you want. You would not use a hammer to unscrew a screw, you would use a screwdriver. Don’t use the wrong tool for weight loss, and don’t glorify food as something more than it is.

Not every meal that you eat is going to be the best meal you have ever had. It is not your last meal. You will live to eat another delicious meal, so don’t be hung up on every single meal you eat being the best and most tasty meal you have ever had. Eat for results not happiness.

If you were a recovering crack user it would be best to stay away from a crack house right? So if you have problems saying no to bad foods stay away. Don’t buy junk at the grocery store, stay out of bars, and don’t even set foot inside a chinese buffet. Once you build up a little more willpower and realize that healthy food is what you really want, because it brings the results you really want, it will be much easier to be around it. Until then, stay away.

Structure Your Diet

Its best to have some sort of meal guideline to stick to so you can stay focused. The easiest way for me to make sure my meals are in check is my following a simple formula.

My specific formula is that all my meals must have 20 percent protein, have around 400 calories, should include at least one veggie, fruit, or nuts, and I must eat at 5-6 times per day. That is 2000 – 2400 calories per day which is exactly what I need for weight loss. If I follow that I know I’m going to be fine.

Plan Your Tomorrow Today

The most important thing you can do is to be prepared and plan. Every night before I go to bed I think about where I’m going to be the next day and what I’m going to eat. I plan my workout time and stick to it. If I’m going to be somewhere that I will not have a food option that sticks to my plan I’ll bring a small cooler or protein bar. I will not have an excuse to eat bad if I am prepared for the worst.

Exercise The Right Way For Weight Loss

I see a lot of people in the gym trying to lose weight by working out like a bodybuilder or barely working out at all.

If you are the doing a split routine or slowly walking on a treadmill to lose weight, you are wasting your time! Full body resistance training mixed with high intensity cardio is the way to go. I could talk for days on the benefits of resistance training and the benefits of cardio, but the point is that you have to do both. Just make sure your weights are challenging and you are pushing yourself with the cardio. If all that you can do at this point is walk, walk as fast as you can. Workout hard for 20-30 minutes instead of working out for hours. That way your workouts are not such a big deal. Its just a small part of your day.

These are just a few basic tips. Please leave any tips you have for weight loss in the comments section below.


Unknown said...

That's all so true. I am a smart adult. I really have to make that commitment to myself to not set foot in those dreaded places, not buy the fat food and to stop making excuses. I know all that, so what's stopping me from doing it? I'm an emotional eater and regret it soon after I put it in my mouth. How can I replace emotional eating with something healthier? If I'm stressed late at night or on a rainy day when I can't go walk off the stress, what else can I do?

Ian said...

First and foremost I think it's great that you've recognized the pattern. That's paramount. Now it is simply a matter of finding something to replace your old behaviors. Now that you realize your an emotional eater when that feeling begins to overcome you change your thoughts to something more positive and refocus your efforts.