Thursday, December 11, 2008

Coronary Heart Disease and Exercise

Coronary heart disease(CHD) is one the leading causes of death responsible for 500,000 deaths every year and approximately 16 million people have been diagnosed with CHD. But by following a couple of specific guidelines someone who has CHD or has suffered a cardiac event can exercise safely and independently.

Always check with your primary care physician before begining to exercise on your own

Always be sure to do an appropriate warm-up and cool-down consisting of slow walking for approximately 5 minutes.

Don't push yourself so hard that you experience chest pain, but in the event be sure and call 911.

Have a cell phone handy or have a training partner present for emergency situations.

Always carry your nitroglycerin if it's been prescribed for you.

If nausea, dizziness, or shortness of breath occur be sure to cease exercising and contact a physician immediately.

Do not exercise in excessively hot, cold, or humid environments as they can increase the likelihood of previously mentioned conditions.

Regular physical activity has a positive influence on every modifiable risk factor for CHD. By starting a regular program of physical activity you can decrease blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood sugar, as well as decreasing the desire to smoke and aid in losing excess body fat. So even if you've faced a heart attack or just want to lose a few pounds get started now.

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