Monday, December 8, 2008

Adjust Your Portions to Adjust Your Waistline.

It's no secret that the American portion size has grown way out of control. It is also safe to say that most people probably don't know what a portion of meat is supposed to look like. First off what exactly constitutes a portion of meat?

3 ounces, 5 ounces, or 7 ounces?

The correct answer is 3 ounces. Now without a food scale or an idea of what 3 oz of let's say salmon would look like how are you supposed to know whether or not you're eating the correct portion. Well most people can't just eyeball a piece of salmon and figure out how much it weighs nor do they want to purchase a food scale to weigh everything they cook. So the easiest way is to relate it to something that you are familiar with. So for future reference a 3 ounce serving of meat is going to be equivalent in size to a deck of playing cards. Click HERE for more information on portion sizes and how they affect your waistline.

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