Monday, October 12, 2009

Working Hard to Get Nowhere!

I can't put a value on the importance of a healthy diet. With my most dedicated of clients I have only 3 maybe 4 hours of contact with them a week that leaves them with somewhere in the neighborhood of 164 unsupervised hours to undo everything they worked towards.

While your workouts are the tool to shape and sculpt your body the true progress is made outside of the gym. If you've ever known a competitive bodybuilder you'll hear them say at some point that abs are made in the kitchen not the gym and that rings just as true for significant weight loss. Understanding your eating habits and your triggers for unhealthy eating are just as important as getting in consistent workouts.

For most people I meet with the exercise part comes easier than supportive eating. So a couple of quick tips to help you eat supportively.

1) Small changes equal big results-By focusing your effort on one small change each week over the course of a few weeks you can make a big impact on your healthy eating plan. For example drinking more water. And don't just say "I'll drink more water." Make it quantifiable like I will drink 64 ounces of water each day for the next week.

2) There is no place for fast food in a healthy eating plan.- Plain and simple if you want to lose weight don't event think about setting foot in one of these establishments. Most of us struggle with the willpower to say no in these places so why even test yourself.

3)Don't Catastrophize When You Cheat.- So many people get in the mindset of "Oh I ate like crap Friday night I might as well just scrap the whole weekend and start fresh on Monday" Why not just start fresh the next morning. One bad meal is not going to blow your whole weight loss effort just get back in the saddle and refocus.

Dedicated to Your Health,


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