Friday, November 21, 2008

A $218,000,000,000 Bailout?!?!

Nope that 218 billion dollars isn't a government bailout plan. It is the amount of money diabetes is costing our country just last year! That amounts to about 10% of all healthcare spending by the government and the public. Diabetes is linked to obesity and sedentary lifestyles and seeing as how obesity numbers continue to rise dramatically that number will rise right along with it.

What can we do to help? Educate and inspire people to exercise, eat right, and take care of themselves! Tell people why you exercise and what it has done for you. Personal stories are very powerful so share yours with others in hopes of inspiring them to take action. Let's get back to basics and take care of those around us.

Our healthcare system is very reactive and we need to be proactive. Companies and coalitions have been formed to give diabetes patients medication with no co-pay or will pay doctors extra for caring for patients with diabetes. Wouldn't it make more sense to give them a treadmill, gym membership, or to prescribe an exercise program.

Whatever your view might be on the subject I think it definitely warrants some thought. How can we afford to spend 218 billion dollars on a disease that can be controlled? I guess it falls in line with the reasoning behind why people continue to smoke? To read the article in its entirety click here.

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